Sunday, 30 September 2012

La Calavera Catrina

'La Calavera Catrina ('The Elegant Skull') is a 1910 zinc
etching by Mexican printmaker José Guadalupe Posada.
The image has since become a staple  of Mexican imagery,
and often is incorporated into artistic manifestations of the 
Day of the Dead in November, such as altars and calavera costumes.
The etching was part of his series of calaveras, which were
humorous images of contemporary figures depicted as
skeletons, which often were accompanied by a poem.'

José Guadalupe Posada

José Guadalupe Posada, was a Mexican cartoonist illustrator and artist,
whose is known mostly for his calaveras, which were ment to satirize
the upper classes during the reign of Porfirio Diaz. Most of his work
is now associated with the Day of the Dead.

Dead of The Dead-Videos

I found two videos online depicting parts of the Dead of the
Dead Festival.
One shows an offering,
'The offering that you can see in the video was respectfully
prepared in a Mexican home. It includes sugar and chocolate
skulls as well as Catrinas made of caramel, colorful flowers
and a Mexican traditional folk art involving cutting out patterns
on colourful papers etc.'

The other shows images from the Day of the Dead, showing people
at graves, candles, offerings and shrines.
They say 'The Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), recently declared by UNESCO
 as an “oral and intangible cultural heritage of humanity,” is one of Mexico’s most
 cherished traditions. When the souls of the departed return their family speak quietly
 with them at graves adorned with offerings of food, candies, liquor, cigarettes, everything their dead enjoyed while alive.'

Neon Cactus-Website and Online Presence

I have been to Neon Cactus a lot so I know the feel of the Bar, but 
I am going to do some more in-depth research into the bar 
and the identity they have.

I have started by looking at their website and online presence, I want
to see what theme they have gone for, colour scheme, typefaces and
overall content and what tone of voice they use. Its also 
key to look at their target audience to make sure I design with
the right people in mind.

These are some images I got off the Neon Cactus Website,
they use bright vibrant colours and the focus isn't too heavily
based on Mexican Imagery.
There are some images of the drinks menu but I am hopefully
getting a physical copy of the menu early on this week.

Neon cactus also have a Twitter Feed and a Facebook group,
these are both areas I need to consider an outcome for
when designing the range of products for this brief.

This is their description on their Facebook Page,

'Our vibrant food menu is inspired by the traditional canteens and old town 

street vendors of Mexico, while our drinks and upbeat atmosphere are 

borrowed from the cosmopolitan bar and club scene of Mexico City.'